Complex Care Coordinator
Managing the program that is focusing on Care Coordination for Children with Complex Special Needs (medical, developmental, psychosocial, and educational).
This comprehensive program is focused on the engagement and alignment of families and primary care providers in our office. The comprehensive plan of care that is developed with our families addressed current and anticipated future medical needs, as well as the personal, psychological, social and educational factors that affect quality of life.
We address the full spectrum of patient and family needs as we have recognized the importance of supporting families in connecting with social services, school systems, financial resources, legal resources and other community-based services.
Special Education Consultant
Initiate and implement Quality Improvement Processes/Projects
Longtime experience in public health, mental health and medical fields working with diverse populations who face significant barriers to social and health services such as language, distrust of the social/health care system, complexity of socio-economic histories, lack of consistent care due to immigration status, illiteracy, poverty, and lack of understanding about their cultural beliefs.
Program/project development, implementation, evaluation and management capabilities:
Implemented and managed mental health/suicide/alcohol prevention programs for college, youth, community, workplace and military populations; Medical Home Care Coordination program, developed and implemented Cancer Survivorship Clinic, Bariatric Clinic/Weight Clinic for obese adults, chronic diseases prevention programs for children and adults (cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, obesity, and associated mental health conditions), managed HIV/AIDS programs
Operations management/Quality Improvement
Developed and implemented procedures and quality improvement projects that improved access to care, improved health outcomes, patient recruitment, increased cancer screening rate, improved data collection, and reduced no-show rate;